the famous...
The best way to mentally prepare for the SAT
Available on iPhone & iPad
The story is all too familiar. The diligent student devotes countless hours to:
- Taking an SAT course
- Studying SAT books
- Forming an SAT study group
- Taking countless SAT Practice Tests
The student gets high scores on the SAT Practice Tests. The student feels good. The student feels confident.
Yet, on test day, the student becomes nervous, gets distracted, and fails to come close to his or her target score. Specifically, the following factors interfere with the student’s success:
One: A proctor who strictly times you by telling you when to start and stop, who screams out the five-minute warning, who is always in your presence, and whose eyes burn right through you as you are take this important test.
Two: The feeling of the test being the “real deal”: being read the instructions before the test starts, having only thirty seconds between sections, being allowed only a short break, and other test-day procedures.
Three: The feeling of people being around you and making distracting test-day noises, including coughing, pencil erasing, chair squeaks, sneezing, and asking to use the restroom.
Wasted time and frustration are not the only concerns. With courses costing hundreds to thousands of dollars, money is at stake too.